Monday 26 October 2015

Avoiding Hair Loss in Women | UK Hair Transplants

Many women across the world will be familiar with hair thinning throughout different periods of your life. As you get older, hair thinning is a naturally occurring part of our lives which is often overlooked.  But there are ways to try and avoid it before it becomes a real problem.

Women tend to feel the pressure on a much higher scale than men to look immaculate at all times. For some of us, it can be difficult to keep up. It seems that a natural part of being a woman is the need to constantly improve on your own appearance. To achieve this, many of us go for products such as hair weaves and extensions. Wearing extensions can be extremely damaging to your hair, especially if you opt for weaves or glue in extensions. These products cause your hair to constantly be pulling right near the follicle. Over time, this can be extremely damaging to the follicle, causing it to strain and thin your hair and could, eventually, lead to the follicle dying all together, leaving you with bald patches and hair loss. 

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Stress can also be a huge factor into hair loss, especially in women. Although it can be difficult to control the stresses we come across in all day to day life, the way that we deal with them is extremely important. When we become too overwhelmed by ongoing stress, it beings to affect our immune systems. If you undergo a large amount of ongoing stress, this can begin to affect the production rate of your hair, causing it to thin out. If it continues, you could go on to develop stress induced Alopecia

Something else that can affect the thickness of your hair, believe it or not, is tying your hair back to often. Constantly having your hair tied up has a similar effect on your hair to that of wearing extensions and weaves. Your hair is being pulled back by your hair tie and is straining on the follicle, often causing hairs to be pulled out. 

Hair loss in women is something that often goes unspoken. As there's such a huge pressure on us to live up to the celebrity standards. Having thick, shining locks can be something that's hard to keep up with. But spending hundreds of pounds every 2-3 months on extensions and wefts does not erase the problem, in fact, it will speed up the process. Do you suffer from hair loss? Visit UK Hair Transplants today and say goodbye to your hair loss, for good. 

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