Tuesday 8 September 2015

Cooling your Baked Goods with Advanced Air Hygiene

Bread Cooling can make or break your product. If it's done right, the bread remains light and tasty as it should, however if it's done wrong, the bread can become stale or even soggy, not very appetising at all, is it?

Advanced Air Hygiene will not only make sure that the bread cooling process is done right, but makes sure your bread and any other baked goods are safe from micro organisms and germs. It is very important during the cooling process of any baked product that the process is not rushed. The products can not be reduced to a temperature too cool, or too hot. The UV-C air conditioning system is under high control to assure that any of your cooling products are reduced to room temperature in perfect, steady timing.

After choosing to use UV-C Air Conditioning, the microbial contamination in the air is reduced to virtually zero. This leads to your products being fresher, for longer and often exceeding their expiry date. Less micro-organisms in the air means less micro-organisms reaching the products, less chance of contamination and a longer life for the product.

We assure you that you can put your trust in us to make sure that the bread cooling process of your products is done at the highest level of hygiene and control. Our UV-C disinfection systems use spiral coolers to constantly provide you with fresh, clean and disinfected air.

Visit our website to find out more about how you can make the most of your product life - http://www.aahygiene.com/industries/bakery/

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