Tuesday 12 May 2015

5 Reasons To Choose Advanced Air Hygiene

Advanced Air Hygiene LogoAdvanced Air Hygiene strongly believe that clean and uncontaminated air in the work place can help to improve productivity of you staff as it means that less staff members will become ill through the spread of infection. They have created a system that uses UV technology to draw in microbes like fungi, bacteria and germs in order to subject them to the radiation, which will destroy 99.9% of all microbes that are exposed. Air Hygiene systems can be vital in food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries but can also be used in office blocks, factories, hotels, ships, elite sporting facilities and accommodation and work-space modules. Advanced Air Hygiene are based in Cheshire in the United Kingdom but are able to offer their solutions to clients all over the globe.

5 reasons to chose Advanced Air Hygiene Systems:

1) Improved Air Protection - it can reduce the spread of infection as it will destroy 99.9% all micro-organisms using it's UV radiation. This will help to stop the spread of any infections as all microbes will be drawn into the system and terminated, thus protecting your products.
Applied UVC Technology
2) Increase Shelf Life of Food - air hygiene can help play a key role in the longevity and food safety of raw materials. The micro-organisms that can cause food spoilage or even food poisoning can easily travel by air which makes this system highly effective in helping increase longevity of food.

3) Reduces Carbon Emissions - this system is able to prevent the possibility of  microbial and bacterial accumulation on the primary cooling coils and condensate drain pans in HVAC systems. Thus, this system will help to make sure that your HVAC Unit system is kept well maintained and functional, whilst still being able to save you money on your energy bills as it produces less carbon emissions.

4) All Day Protection - the system will be active all day, every day in order to ensure that their products are able to be utilized at all times. 24/7 protection means that your workplace will always be protected from threats of micro-organism that may spread infection and illness.

5) Healthier Staff - by making sure that air quality is improved the system makes sure that your staff are fully protected and can work productively at all times. Advanced Air Hygiene's system is proven to reduce respiratory problems by 40% thus showing how effective this system can be as it will help to reduce absences in your work place.

For any further information please click here.

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