Wednesday 16 December 2015

Roller Banners - CNUK Print

With Christmas here many businesses are at parties and functions, but meetings still occur and the new year will soon be upon us. If you have events to attend where you need to publicise your company then CNUK Print can help. They can create various publicity material including roller banners which you can take to events and have present in meetings with clients.

CNUK Print have a range of roller banners to suit all budgets.

Budget banner stand and posters - fixed height
This banner starts from £55 and is perfect for those with a small budget. The size of the banner is 800 x 2150mm and is full colour on one side. It has a telescopic support pole and comes with a carry case, making it easy to take to events and functions.

Classic banner stand and posters - variable height
This banner starts from £95 and is CNUK Print's middle of the range banner. Unlike their budgest banner, this banner can vary in height. The poster is 794 x 2250mm but can vary between 1490-2100mm (h) x 794mm (w). You can choose from a black or silver banner stand, have a Hybrid pole - half telescopic/half bungee. The banner also comes with a padded carry case.

Premium Banner Stand and Poster
This banner starts from £110 and is their top of the range banner. This poster is 794 x 2430mm. It prevents light going through, giving it a professional opaque finish. However, unlike the other banners, this does not come with a stand included.

All these banners can be ordered in multiples so you can have several different copies.

If you need or are interested in roller banners for your company, then contact CNUK Print today.

1 comment:

  1. very interesting and very valuable information about the Outdoor banner printing nice work.
    i liked it.

    Outdoor banner printing
