Thursday 10 December 2015

Migraine Treatments - Re-Enhance Clinic

Anyone who has suffered from a migraine will admit how painful and debilitating they can be. Dark and silent rooms, painkillers and cold patches are all common relief methods for migraines. However, for some people these methods either don't work or need to be used alongside other, stronger reliefs. Re-Enhance Clinic offer a treatment for migraines for people who find they need something more effective than the usual relief methods.

Botox can be used to help relieve the symptoms of migraines. the botox can be precisely injected into main muscles of the forehead where patients frown. As most migraines have a tension headache component and visa versa, by reducing or eliminating the intensity of the ability to frown in your forehead, you are effectively minimising the source and start of the migraine.

This procedure is extremely safe and simple if done by a professional. Once the Botox starts to work over a few days to a few weeks, the muscles in the glabellar or frown area of the forehead will not be able to contract as strongly and will relax. This break in the cycle usually stops the migraine from progressing, and patients notice a huge decrease in the frequency of migraine attacks with some patients experiencing a migraine free period while the Botox is currently active.

The treatment will have to be repeated every 3-6 months to begin with but as things progress and symptoms disappear, the frequency of treatment can usually be decreased until it is quite infrequent.

If you are looking for a treatment for your migraines. Consider botox by Re-Enhance. Contact them today for more information.

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