Friday 3 April 2015

Why is 2015 the Perfect Year to Buy a Home?

Britain seems to be slowly but surely recovering from the economic crisis of 2008 as can be seen through the relatively small house price increase that is estimated for this year. This makes 2015 the perfect time to buy a property as home prices seem to have a had a much lower increase when compared to last year, which makes this year one of the best years to buy a property in the last few years. Open House can offer any advice on buying and selling properties, as Open House will be able to offer their expert advice to ensure that you have the best possible and honest advice possible. The staff at Open House are very experienced in the field and have worked as estate agents for many years, thus allowing them to offer these expertise to their clients. Thus, 2015 is the perfect year to buy a house due to a small estimated  increase that can be seen in source 1 (from the BBC).
Experts' predictions
NamePrediction for 2015Original 2014 estimate
Ray Boulger4% rise8% rise
Henry Pryor4% rise5% rise
Ed Stansfield4% rise4% to 5% rise
Miles Shipside4% to 5% rise6% to 8% rise
Peter Bolton King3% rise8% rise
Martin Ellis3% to 5% rise4% to 8% rise
Nationwide index

(source 1 from the BBC)
Actual change: 7.2%

Only a 4% increase makes this the perfect year to buy a house compared to last year that had a 7.2% increase which clearly shows that 2015 would be the perfect year to buy a property. Open House will be able to give you any help you may possible need to help capitalise on the great opportunity available due to this small rise in house prices from this year. This small increase can be seen in the prices of properties on Open House's network and will give you the chance to get the best possible price for your money before a large increase as seen last year.

For any further information about Open House's service or to get advice on selling or buying a property please click here to find out any further information.

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