Monday 22 December 2014

Injury Treatments from Head2Toe in Bolton

Are you suffering from a sports injury or musculoskeletal dysfunctional problem? If so, Head2Toe in Bolton run a sports injury clinic and specialise in rehabilitation for injuries and movement problems. They offer effective rehabilitation and high quality treatments that will support a speedy recovery no matter what type of injury or condition you may have.

Head2Toe offer a range of techniques and treatments, their treatments include manual therapy, joint mobilisations and manipulations.

Treatments from Head2Toe

Manual therapy - This treatment involves hands on techniques such as massages myofasical release and trigger points. Myosfasical release is a soft tissue therapy that aims to relax tense muscles, improve blood flow and circulation and stimulates the stretch reflex in muscles. The trigger point treatment will help to relax trigger points which are areas of muscle fibres that are hyper-irritable to change and tension.

Joint Mobilisations -  This treatment will be used to reduce the tension and stiffness within the joint by reducing the muscle tension which will then stimulate the fluid around the joint to increase the range of motion.

Acupuncture - This treatment has been used for thousands of years and originated from China. It involves the insertion of thin and tiny needles into the skin on a specific part of the body that needs healing. Although acupuncture has never been scientifically proven many people who have the treatment feel the full benefits from it and has even provided pain relief to patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Exercise based therapy - This is where we can provide you with personal training and tailor your training to suit your needs and requirements. We have professional ,trained and qualified sports rehabilitators and trainers who can help you with specific exercises that will aid your recovery and well-being. They will also continually monitor and observe your body movements and muscular activity to provide extra support when needed during your exercise.

If you require rehabilitation and injury treatments please call 07792242319 or email

You can find their Sports Injury Clinic at Helio Fitness, Unit 1 Morston Point, Scholey Street, Manchester Road, Bolton, BL2 1HB.

For more injury techniques and treatments and information please visit

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