Monday 28 July 2014

Business Insurance from Self Employed Solutions

Self Employed Solutions can provide you with a selection of Business Insurances through our vetted partners. We can provide you with affordable quotations on the business insurance that is best suited to you and your business, these are just some of what we can do for you:

Public Liability Insurance:
Taking out a flexible business insurance policy that includes public liability will ensure you and your business do not lose out financially if there is an accident. This makes public liability insurance essential for all business sectors.

Employer’s Liability Insurance:
As a legal requirement you must have employer’s liability insurance if you have one or more employees working for you. You can incorporate this insurance into a single business policy along with Public Liability Insurance and any additional insurances, doing this can help reduce the overall cost and make your business insurance easier to manage!

Buildings Insurance:
This insurance is for those who own the premises of their business, taking out this insurance will cover you for damages like fires, floods and vandalism. If you rent your premises then check with the your landlord if the premises is insured.

Professional Indemnity Insurance:
This covers you if you are negligent or make a mistake which causes a client’s business to suffer a financial loss.
Businesses that often take out professional indemnity include accountants, IT consultants, business consultants, journalists, architects, financial advisors, engineers and many more.
If you're responsible for giving out advice or you offer a professional service to another business then you should definitely consider taking out professional indemnity insurance.
For example, if an architect makes a mistake in the plans for a construction project and it is only discovered once the building work is underway and materials purchased, the client would be likely to lose money through time for re-building and the cost of wasted materials. The architect would be liable for this cost.

As well as being able to provide our clients with a comprehensive range of business insurance we can also offer them our expertise in accountancy and bookkeeping for sole traders. 

If you wish to know more about our services please call 01625419937 or email and a member of our team will deal with your enquiry. 

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