Wednesday 5 August 2015

5 Reasons to Arrange Your ESOS Assessment

ESOS Assessments are not always something we look forward to. But they have to be done. Here are five reasons why you should get yours out of the way sooner rather than later.

1. Protect yourself from stress - the closer we come to the deadline, the more panicked we become about arranging our assessment - what if it's too late? What if I can't book an appointment? What if it slips my mind? What if I have the wrong deadline? Get it out of the way and you can go back to focusing on the rest of your work!

2. You could face a large fine - What  makes this one worse is it's just before Christmas. Even if the money isn't coming directly out of your pocket, it puts the company at a loss. There's a good chance that facing the ESOS fine could lead to you kissing goodbye to any Christmas parties or bonuses.

3. You can get excited for Christmas! It may seem like it's really far off, but the sooner you get your ESOS Assessment out of the way you can cut the ESOS countdown and start counting how many Fridays until Christmas!

4. Make yourself look good - If you're not in a high position in your job but you're in charge of organising the assessment, getting it done months before the deadline is likely to make you look super efficient. Take the initiative  and arrange your ESOS Assessment!

5. They only come around every 4 years! Getting it out of the way soon will give you so much more time to do other things and stay focused on the rest of your work.

Don't lose sleep over your ESOS Assessment, don't face a fine. Arrange yours today.

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