You may have some questions regarding
Uprocure and how they work. Here are some of the questions that are most frequently asked and the answers to them.
How do I register on the site?
If you are a customer and wish to submit a project, simply click on 'I NEED TO PROCURE UTILITY CONNECTIONS THE EASY WAY'. You will then need to complete the registration process. Once completed you will receive an email containing your unique username & password.
If you are a ICP, UIP or ISP, click on register, then 'I AM A UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE PROVIDER'. You will then need to complete the registration process. Once completed Uprocure will approve your registration. Once approved you will receive an email containing your unique username & password.
What information do I need to submit a project?
The more information you provide the better i.e. site plans, building layouts, type of use etc. However, a project can be submitted by simply outlining the site area, in this case one of our team will contact you to discuss the project in more detail. Please remember the more information you provide the easier it is for our ICP members to understand the project, which in turn usually leads to more competitive bids being entered.
How long does the process take?
It depends upon the size of the project and what information is available. However some point of connection information from the utility companies can take up to 90 days to receive for large complex projects.
Do the companies bidding for the work hold suitable accreditation?
Yes all contractors will have one or more registrations under the Lloyds NERS, WIRS, GIRS and MURS scheme. Their registration details can be checked on the Lloyds website
Does it cost anything to become a member?
Registration and membership is currently free of charge, however Uprocure reserve the right to charge for services that were free as outlined in the terms and conditions.
Are there any other charges?
Yes, as per our terms and conditions there may be a project viewing fee, and or a successful auction fee for the Independent Connections Provider, these are clearly outlined for each project.
If you want to see the full list of FAQs then visit their
website. For more information or if you have any other questions, then
contact Uprocure, so you can start procuring utility the easy way.